Habits of Successful Prospectors

Well-executed prospecting is central to virtually every successful sales engagement. It sets a tone — giving you the momentum and perspective you need to lock in on viable sales opportunities and ensure the rest of your sales process goes as smoothly as possible.


1. They balance realism with aspirational goals – Highly successful prospectors create prospect lists that allow them to focus on where realistic revenue can sustain them in the short- and medium-term business investing. At the same time, they allocate about 25% of their prospecting to focus on long-term aspirational goals. 

They understand that steady revenue must come into their business before they can increase the time spent on dream clients and business outcomes.

2. They utilize sales triggers for timely outreach – The best prospectors only reach out to opportunities that activate sales triggers. For example, they’ve adopted new technology or announced expansion plans.

Using sales triggers ensures your prospects are qualified, and your outreach is well-timed. Furthermore, they give context to the conversation and create opportunities to provide value.

3. They combine determination with market insight-Effective prospecting combines determination, smart planning, and comprehensive market understanding.

A top team enhances personalization and efficiency in managing leads and client interactions, tailoring their approach to meet individual needs. Facing rejection head-on, top prospectors view each setback as a learning opportunity, staying committed to refining their approach and achieving their objectives.

4. They prioritize relationships over immediate sales – When a salesperson goes into a prospecting conversation already thinking about making the sale, they‘re focused on their own needs and goals rather than the potential client’s. They are also more likely to come across as ‘salesy,’ which can be off-putting to many.

When you focus on the relationship instead, you gain valuable information about the individual’s preferences, pain points, values, and goals. This increases the likelihood of not just making that first sale — but also turning the individual into a long-term customer who is loyal to your product or service because they trust that you are genuinely interested in what they need.

5. They communicate with empathy – Highly successful prospectors don’t just understand their product — they deeply understand their prospect’s challenges and goals. This empathy enables them to tailor communications that resonate personally, turning cold prospects into engaged conversations.